Winners of Pride of Malton and Norton Charity Award 2016
Christmas Fair 2016
On the 26th of November we held our first Christmas Fair at St Peters Church Hall, Norton. There was big big turn out of about 20 stalls and we raised £654 all together. We would like to say a big thank you to all who had a stall and to all who came to supported us and gave so generously! We would also like to thank Dave Preston for donating some of his books and signing some to sell and for reading extracts for us.

Meet Sid and Stu our adopted Ayelsbury ducks! Two very cheeky chappies who chase the cats and act as guard dogs. They love their photos taken and pose quite happily.
Upcoming Events
Past Events
25th April 2015
A Cake Sale was held at the Milton Rooms to raise funds for the Charity. There was a Tombola and sales of Jams, Chutneys, Cake and Honey. The event was well attended. We raised £169 in the day. Thank you to all who supported us.
27th June 2015
The Cake and Tombola held at the Milton Rooms raised £165.75. Again, thank you to all who supported us.
25th July 2015
The Cake Stall and Tombola raised a total of £86, thank you to all who supported us on the day.
29th August 2015
The Cake Stall and Tombola raised a total of £181.16
19th September 2015
Our Open Day raised a total of £1379, thank you to all who supported us on a glorious day.
31st October 2015
The Cake Stall and Tombola raised a total of £209
20th March 2016
We made approx. £800 at The BikeFest
26th March 2016
Coffee Morning on raised a total of £169
21st May 2016
The Sponsored Walk raised a total of £771
24th June 2016
Car Boot raised £393
26 July 2016
Car Boot raised £170
Open Day 2016
Raised £543.50
Christmas Fair 2016
Raised £654